
assignment2:Olympic Sports

Water polo: ph.水球
a goal game similar to soccer that is played in water by teams of swimmers using a ball resembling a soccer ball a goal game similar to soccer that is played in water by teams of swimmers using a ball resembling a soccer ball.
Archery: n.箭術
the art, practice, or skill of shooting with bow and arrow.
Fencing: n.劍術
the art or practice of attack and defense with the foil, épee, or saber
the art or practice of attack and defense with the foil, épee, or saber.
Wrestling: n.摔角
a sport or contest in which two unarmed individuals struggle hand to hand with each attempting to subdue or unbalance the other.
-->He was on the wrestling team in high school.

Javelin: n.標槍
a light spear thrown as a weapon of war or in hunting
Field hockey: ph.陸上曲棍球
a game played on a turfed field between two teams of 11 players each whose object is to direct a ball into the opponent's goal with a hockey stick
Gymnastics: n.體操
a competitive sport in which individuals perform optional and prescribed acrobatic feats mostly on special apparatus in order to demonstrate strength, balance, and body control
Shot‐put: n.鉛球
a field event in which a shot is heaved for distance.
Equestrian: n.馬術
of, relating to, or featuring horseback riding.
Hurdles: n.跨欄賽跑
an artificial barrier over which racers must leap .

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