
Assignment6:2 audio clips at Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Day/Date Time:2009/11/17 20:30 to 21:00
Program/Station/Title:Dinner Time
Speakers:man - girl

mess up:(1)to make a mistake
(2)make something untidy or cluttered.
- If you take your eyes off that boy, he might mess up your entire house
stuff:materials, supplies, or equipment used in various activities.
- Oh, this is great stuff.
non-verbal:(1)being other than verbal
(2) involving minimal use of language
(3) ranking low in verbal skill
- She can tell by his non-verbal expressions.

Day/Date Time:2009/11/17 21:00 to 21:30
Program/Station/Title:Weekly Activities
Topic:daily activities
Speakers:man and young woman

catch up (verb): reach a point where one should be.
- I need to catch up on my sleep. I've been very tired recently.
geometry (noun): math of lines, points, and shapes.
- My daughter is taking geometry in junior high school now.
vault (noun): a room or space, often made of steel, for safekeeping valuables like money or important documents.
- The millionaire kept all his valuable coins, paintings, and jewelry in a secret vault in his house.
spare (verb): give up carefully.
- My son needed money to fix his care, but I could only spare $200 since I didn't have much money either.

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