
Assignment 9:New Year Reflactions and Hope

2009 is an important year to me! I become an adult, finish the exam of entering the university, graduate from the senior high school, and enter the university in this year. The most important thing is that I entered the university, Nation Taiwan University of Science and Technology! I never considered to entering this school before, maybe it’s really fated. But the life in university is not like what I imagine before. I often feel sleepy or chat with others during the lessons, since professors’ ways of teaching don’t suit for me. I think I should change my attitude to lessons next year, or I won’t learn any things in the university! I also hope I can find my goal in the university, because the days I spend in university are meaningfulness. Next semester I’d better study much more hard!
In 2009, I find that I’m different in the aspect of personality. I have been more content, and I feel happy easily. I really like this kind of changing. Hoping I can keep this personality forever.
Someone says that the elements of the university are studies, clubs, love and part-time jobs. I wish I can improve these four “elements” more in 2010!
I also wish that all people I know can keep healthy forever especially my father. In this year, my father gets badly illness and he doesn’t recover from it until now. I really hope he can recover soon!
Being happy every day is the most important thing! Wish all of you happy every day!
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


  1. Happy New Year!

    Hope your wishes will completely come true!!

  2. I also have same problems with yours in the class haha!

    Hope your father recover as soon as possible!!

  3. I am still a child. XDDDD
    Hope you'll find my goal in the university.
    Happy New Year!!

  4. I am still a child. XDDDD
    Hope you'll find your goal in the university.
    Happy New Year!!

  5. Hope you're father is getting well. And wish you have wonderful years during the time in NTUST.

  6. Vivian, hope your father will get better soon.
    As to your college life, if you feel bored in class, do try to find a way to motivate yourself. You could either take courses that interest you or go the the library to read books that movitate you. Anyway, just do something, so someday when you graduate, you could recall your college life with a smile, without any regreat.
