
Assignment 11: MIT open course

I think "MIT open course" is really perfect! No wonder many people say that the most famouse professors are in the MIT! Something that I feel boring before they can teach interestungly, and let it interest me! Those professors are quite excellent! Take physics for example, Taiwanese teachers always only tell you the formula and use mathematical way to prove it, but teachers in MIT are different. MIT proffessors may really do the experiments for you, and figure out the formula by experiments. In my opinion, the teaching way of MIT professors is better and suitful to me. I hope Taiwanese professors can imitate them!


BBC Question:Happy Birthday v.s Merry Christmas

Message 1 - posted by Vivian (U14277628) **, 11 Hours Ago

Why do we always hear “Merry Christmas”, but I haven’t heard anyone say “Merry New Year” or “Merry Birthday”? Is that ok? Or there is any rule about it.

Message 2 - posted by OldRover_KE (U10528653) , 7 Hours Ago

Hi, Vivian,

There's no rule about it - it's just the way we speak.

'Merry New Year' or 'Merry Birthday' just don't sound right.


Assignment 9:New Year Reflactions and Hope

2009 is an important year to me! I become an adult, finish the exam of entering the university, graduate from the senior high school, and enter the university in this year. The most important thing is that I entered the university, Nation Taiwan University of Science and Technology! I never considered to entering this school before, maybe it’s really fated. But the life in university is not like what I imagine before. I often feel sleepy or chat with others during the lessons, since professors’ ways of teaching don’t suit for me. I think I should change my attitude to lessons next year, or I won’t learn any things in the university! I also hope I can find my goal in the university, because the days I spend in university are meaningfulness. Next semester I’d better study much more hard!
In 2009, I find that I’m different in the aspect of personality. I have been more content, and I feel happy easily. I really like this kind of changing. Hoping I can keep this personality forever.
Someone says that the elements of the university are studies, clubs, love and part-time jobs. I wish I can improve these four “elements” more in 2010!
I also wish that all people I know can keep healthy forever especially my father. In this year, my father gets badly illness and he doesn’t recover from it until now. I really hope he can recover soon!
Being happy every day is the most important thing! Wish all of you happy every day!
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Assignment 8:ESL Podcast 528

Before I had any contact with the ESL podcast, I’ve always been using the CD player. It’s really heavy and inconvenient. Ever since I started using the ESL podcast, I find it convenient using it. First, we don’t have to carry a CD player or any machine to listen to the program. All we need is a computer and wherever there’s internet. Second, if using the computer and the internet is still too troublesome, we could also download the lessons and save it into a mp3. In that case, we could still study English anytime anywhere.
I really enjoy using the podcast, it saves me time and makes my life more convenient. Apparently, my English ability greatly improved after using the podcast. I also learned how to speak better English and what kind of words I should use in some certain occasion. And I’m looking forward to learning more from the program!


Assignment7: Listen to Steve Job's talk

(a) Write down the expressions you learn from his talk.

1.relent v.緩和: become less severe, harsh, or strict usually from reasons of humanity.
2.stmble into something phr.無意間涉足某事:to become involved in something by chance.
3.calligraphy n.書法:artistic, stylized, or elegant handwriting or lettering
4.typography n.印刷術:letterpress printing
5.serif n.截線:any of the short lines stemming from and at an angle to the upper and lower ends of the strokes of a letter
6.karma n.因果:the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence
7.baton n.指揮棒
8.screw up phr.搞砸:to do something badly or spoil something
9.biopsy n.切片檢查 :the removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body
10.endoscope n.內視鏡
11.intestines n.腸
12.sedate adj.鎮定的:keeping a quiet steady attitude or pace
13.dogma n.信條

(b) Reflect on his thought
After I listen to Steve Job's speech, I think a lot of things. I'm a student who always conform to convention, and dare not do things that may fail or others think wrong. But Steve is not this kind person! I really envy his courage. He said"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." I hope someday I also can be the person like Steve and won't change my own ideas just because of others' opinion.
This speech also mentions another point:you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. Before I often confused why I have to learn things which I think I won't use them, such as history, Analects Confucius and so on. Now I realize that I learn these things may be useful in some day!
This speech is really wonderful! I assume that this speech is not only an assignment, it's also a lesson that we con use whole life!


assignment 5

Day/Date: 11/10/2009
Time Begin: 16:00
Time ended:16:30
Method: Computer
Your Notes: Holiday Decorations!

.Knickknack:small decoration, maybe is something makes up paper or plastic.
.grill out:cooking on the grill. 互外燒烤
.Bonfire:burning waste or as part of a celebration.
.DIY:do it yourselfe.
.For most American, they like to do most is eating.(What American do in holidays?)
.What American do in holidays in different season?
Summer: Some people may take a trip, like fishing or living in the cabin.
July is American independence day, they often get together for food. At
night, they go outdoor to watch fireworks.
Fall: It’s time for American football. Many people are outlooking for the team.

Day/Date: 11/10/2009
Time Begin: 20:00
Time ended:20:30
Method: Computer
Your Notes: Holiday Decorations!

.”Where in the basement? “ implies “Where do you want your decoration to go?”
.What American do in holidays in different season?
Winter: It’s snowing. People go sledding and skiing. Children love to play snowball
fight and make a snowman.
Thanksgiving:In November, people would eat turkey and watch football game after
Christmas:American family get together all over the country, and celebrate the
birth of Jesus.
.String: Something is long and thin. ( a string of pearls. )
.get into the act:參加
.if you ask me=in my opinion